Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Pierre de Corbiac. Mostrar todas las entradas
Mostrando entradas con la etiqueta Pierre de Corbiac. Mostrar todas las entradas

viernes, 20 de octubre de 2023

XX, Domna, dels angels regina, (lenga romana, Romans); Pierre de Corbiac

Raynouard, choix, poésies, troubadours, kindle


Domna, dels angels regina,

Esperansa dels crezens,

Segon que m' aonda mos sens

Chan de vos lenga romana;

Quar nuls hom just ni peccaire

De vos lauzar no s deu traire,

Can sos sens miels l' aparelha

Romans lenga latina.

Domna, roza ses espina,

Sobre totas flor' s olens,

Verga seca frug fazens,

Terra que ses labor grana,

Estela del solelh maire,

Noirissa del nostre paire,

El mon una no us somelha

Ni londana ni vezina.

Domna joves e mesquina,

Fost a dieu obediens

En totz sos comandamens;

Per que la gen crestiana

Cre ver e sap tot l' afaire

Que us dis l' angel saludaire,

Que consebras per l' aurelha

Dieu que enfantes vergina.

Domna, verges pura e fina

Ans que fos l' enfantamens 

Et apres tot eissamens,

De vos trais sa carn humana 

Jhesu Crist nostre salvaire; 

Si com, ses frachura faire, 

Vai e ven rais quan solelha 

Per la fenestra vezina.

Domna, vos etz l' aiglentina

Que trobet vert Moysens,

Entre las flamas ardens;

E la toizos de la lana

Que s moillet en la sec' aire,

Don fo Gedeons proaire;

Mas natura s meravelha

Com romazest enterina. 

Domna, estela marina,

De las autras plus luzens,

La mars nos combat e 'l vens;

Mostra nos via certana:

Quar si ns vols a bon port traire

No tem nau ni 'l governaire,

Ni 'l tempier que ns estorbilla

Ni 'l stobi de la marina.

Domna, metges e metzina,

Lectoaris et enguens,

Nos nafratz de mort temens

La velia oing e sana;

Dossa, pia, de bon aire

Fai nos tost de mal estraire,

Quar perdutz es qui s fonilla,

Pos la mortz l' es trop aizina.

Dieu espoza, filh' e maire,

Manda 'l filh e prega 'l paire,

Ab l' espos parl' e conselha

Com merces nos si' aizina.

Pos durmen mas tu ns revelha

Ans que ns sia mortz vezina.

Pierre de Corbiac.

Peire de Corbiac or Corbian was a Gascon cleric and troubadour of the thirteenth century. His most famous works are a religious piece, the Prière à la Vierge (prayer to the Virgin), and his "treasures",
Lo tezaurs (c. 1225).

Peire was born at Corbiac near Bordeaux to a poor family. He was educated at Orléans in the Scholastic tradition. His nephew was the troubadour Aimeric de Belenoi, whose vida refers to him as maestre (master, teacher) and Peire elsewhere calls himself maistre. Certainly Peire's Tezaur is didactic in nature: his purpose in writing was to convince the wise that though he was poor in material terms he was richer still. Composed in 840 alexandrines, the Tezaur is an encyclopaedic compilation of all that the troubadour knew. The work displays a great breadth of knowledge. He expends 547 lines narrating the chief events of the Old and New Testaments, then discusses the seven liberal arts, medicine, surgery, necromancy, mythology, the lives of the ancient Greeks and Romans, and those of the contemporary French and English.

Peire was familiar with the work of Venerable Bede, of John de Holywood, and of Chrétien de Troyes. He also provides the modern historian with several pieces of crucial information not found elsewhere. He refers to dancing the Sanctus, Agnus, and the Cunctipotens, showing that the liturgy was performed. The Tezaur also contains the first mention of contrapointamens, a century before its appearance in Latin as contrapunctus, today's counterpoint. The Tezaur had a lasting influence in the Late Middle Ages. The Jew Emanuele da Roma wrote the Ninth Meḥabbereth, a Hebrew poem based on the Tesoretto of Brunetto Latini, itself based on the Tezaur of Peire.

Peire was a religious man, as the dedicatory first verse of his Tezaur attests: it contains a dedication to Jesus and Mary and a statement of Trinitarian faith:

Domna, rosa ses espina,

sobre totas flors olens,

verga seca frug fazens,

terra que ses labor grana,

estela, del solelh maire,

noirissa del vostre paire,

el mon nulha semelha

ni londana ni vezina.

Domna, verge pura e fina,

ans que fos l'enfantamens,

et apres tot eissamens,

receup en vos carn humana

Jesu Crist, nostre salvaire,

si com ses trencamen faire

intra.l bels rais, quan solelha,

per la fenestra veirina.

Domna, estela marina

de las autras plus luzens,

la mars nos combat e.l vens;

mostra nos via certana;

car si.ns vols a bon port traire

non tem nau ni governaire

ni tempest que.ns destorbelha

ni.l sobern de la marina.

Lady, rose without thorn,

sweet above all flowers,

dry rod bearing fruit,

earth bringing forth fruit without toil,

star, mother of the sun,

nurse of thine own Father,

in the world no woman is like to thee,

neither far nor near.

Lady, virgin pure and fair

before the birth was

and afterwards the same,

received human flesh in thee

Jesus Christ our Saviour,

just as without causing flaw,

the fair ray enters when the sun shines

through the window-pane.

Lady, star of the sea,

brighter than the other stars,

the sea and the wind buffet us;

show thou us the right way:

for if thou wilt bring us to a fair haven,

ship nor helmsman fears

not tempest nor tide

lest it trouble us.